Wednesday, April 1, 2020

How to Grow Grape Vines in the Right Soil

So you are new in growing grapes. You have little, to no skills at all. But because you love the fruit so much and you are fascinated with the plant, you decided to go for it. And like any good student, you did your research. You know what zone you are in and you have already selected and bought the variety that you want to plant. All there’s left to know is how to grow grape vines.

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Learning how to grow grape vines can be a bit challenging if you are just starting out. But nothing is unconquerable especially if you study and of course put your heart into it. And if you already have the heart but need help with the skills, then here are the basics that can help you know how to grow grape vines.

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First off, be aware that grapes need to be planted on the right soil. And the right soil for this crop is something that allows proper drainage of water. This is because like any other perennial, they do not like being drowned at all. So if the earth in your area is mostly clay, you should try to loosen the ground prior to planting. Loosening the ground does not really take much work and money because some good quality compost will do the trick.

However, if you will be working mostly with sand, it is also equally important to make it a bit denser. Yes, sand provides good drainage but it allows water to pass too quickly, preventing the roots frm getting something.

Once your soil is properly prepared, you can keep these tips in mind to keep your grapes healthy and productive.

  1. Plant them at least 6 feet apart.  Yes, that may seem to be too much especially frm a small unassuming rootstock but believe it or not, that space is just right to prevent two plants frm taking over each other.
  2. Once planted, water them sparingly and give them the best organic fertilizer that you can find at least once every month. They especially need this during the first year of their life as they establish their rooting in the ground.
  3. Support the new vine with a trellis. The idea is to keep the main vine upright.
  4. Prune. In the first year of their life, you should snip off the small branches and leave two of the main vines thriving. Doing this will allow all the nutrients to focus on the main vine and as it thickens.
  5. Train your vines to make them look more beautiful and to keep fruits out of the ground. You can tell them what direction to go to by winding thick wires across the branches and carefully leading them to rest on the trellis you provided.
  6. Finally one important part of learning how to grow grape vines is knowing how to maintain them. Honestly, it does not take a lot, as long as you prune your plants, fertilize them and water them, you are sure to have a taste of your first harvest in 2 to 4 years.

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